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Understanding Double Materiality


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In this blog post, we take a closer look at the concept of double materiality. We discuss what it means, why it is important, and how it can be applied by organizations.

A beginners guide to understanding CSRD


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The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a new policy from the European Union that significantly changes how companies report on their environmental and social practices. Here’s an easier-to-understand breakdown of what the CSRD involves, its goals, and its benefits.

Understanding the Social Impact of ESRS on Your Workforce


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The new European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are shaking things up for businesses, demanding a fresh look at Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. While environmental issues often grab the headlines, don't underestimate the power of the "Social" pillar. A strong social focus plays a critical role in boosting employee experience and building a future-proof workforce.

What is ESG reporting and why is it important?​


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Step into the world of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting, a key approach for businesses to showcase their commitment to responsible practices in today’s environmentally conscious world. Let’s break down what ESG reporting involves and why it’s vital for modern businesses.

Benefits of sustainability reporting


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In today’s fast-changing world, sustainability is becoming crucial for businesses. With increasing awareness and concern about environmental issues, social equality, and ethical management, companies are looking for ways to show they are responsible. Sustainability reporting is a key method for businesses to communicate their efforts and commitment to these important areas.

What is sustainability for beginners?


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Sustainability reporting is how companies communicate their efforts towards being environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and ethically governed. This involves more than just making statements; companies compile a detailed report based on three critical areas known as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG):

What are the good work goals?


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The Good Work Goals significantly contribute to the field of Welfare Economics by focusing on establishing workplaces that enhance quality of life, happiness, and other indicators of well-being. In partnership with the Antwerp Management School, B-Tonic has formulated the Good Work Goals, underscoring the importance of maintaining exemplary working conditions as a tangible responsibility. This commitment holds true not only during periods of stability and prosperity but becomes even more critical during times of crisis and recovery.

ESG in 8 steps


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Today, sustainability is no longer something you can ignore; it has become essential. Companies around the world now understand that environmental awareness, social responsibility and good governance are crucial to their long-term success. Therefore, they are now required to report on these issues to be transparent about their sustainability efforts and performance. Here are some concrete steps companies can take to properly address this reporting process.

ESRS: The ABC of ESG Reporting


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To make it easier for companies to report on their sustainability activities, the European Union has introduced the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). This rule requires companies to report on three key areas: Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). The CSRD outlines who needs to report and starting when, but it doesn't specify exactly what details need to be included for each ESG topic. To clear up these requirements, the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) were created.

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